
CRC Crick 110 500 ml Solvent Cleaner Made in Belgium
Molyslip Copaslip 500g High Temperature Anti-Seize Compound Made in UK

CRC Crick 130 500 ml Fast Evaporating Developer Made in Belgium


Developer to make the marked cracks and failures visible.

Magnifies and makes each trace of Crick 120 visible after the developer has been applied, for at least 7 minutes. Post cleaning of the inspected area can be done with Crick 110. Easily removable.

Content: 500 ml
Made in Belgium
Quantity: one piece

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CRC Crick 130 500 ml Fast Evaporating Developer

A quick drying developer, for the non-destructive testing of surfaces and structures. Many cracks in engineering materials can be deep in spite of having a very small opening width on the surface and can cause very serious defects. By normal visual inspection such cracks may be very difficult to detect, but penetrant flaw detection is an extension of the visual inspection method. The control is carried out using 3 products: Crick 110 (cleaner), Crick 120 penetrant and Crick 130 (developer). Crick 130 is a dispersion of a white powder in a fast evaporating solvent.

Features :

The following are the features of CRC Crick 130 :
• The check can be carried out with ready-to-use aerosols.
• It produces results in a speedy and easy way.
• An economical technology with no need for expensive and advanced equipment.
• A sensitive and reliable test method.
• Widely applicable, regardless the nature of the materials and shape of the objects.
• The aerosol uses a hydrocarbon propellant for controlled application.
• Halogen content tested according to ASME Section V, art 6.

Applications :

Non-destructive inspection of materials, parts, assemblies, equipment, surfaces or
• Cracks, lack of fusion and open cavities in welded parts.
• Cracks and cavities caused by metal fatigue and cutting operations.
• Check of porosity or leaks in pipes, tanks, boilers, heat exchangers.
• Discontinuities, laps, folds and cracks in castings, forgings and ceramics.

Directions :

Do not use at ambient temperatures below 10’C.
• In liquid penetrant inspections, the test object or material is coated with a visible dye solution. The excess dye is removed from the surface and a developer is then applied. The developer acts like a blotter and draws penetrant out of the imperfections of the surface. With visible dyes, the vivid color contrast between the penetrant and the developer makes the ‘bleed-out’ easy to see.
Cleaning of the surface
The surface to be checked must be clean, de-greased and dry. All soil, like rust, oil, grease, paint etc, which can mask the imperfections, must be removed. Finish the cleaning by spraying Crick 110 generously. If possible wipe with an absorbent cloth and allow drying thoroughly.
Penetrant application
Shake the can of Crick 120 prior to use. Spray the penetrant in a light, even film on the
surface, wetting all areas to be controlled. Allow to drain for 10 to 20 minutes.
Excess penetrant removal
Remove excess of penetrant by wiping the surface using a lint-free cloth. Apply water (Crick
120 is water washable) until all visible, coloured traces are removed. Care must be taken that
only disturbing penetrant on the surface is removed. Dry properly.
Shake the can of Crick 130 thoroughly prior to use. Spray a light, homogeneous coat of
developer from a distance of about 20 cm. Avoid any excess developer to avoid masking the
finest flaws. Allow to develop for at least 7 minutes so that imperfections are visible.
Visual inspection of defects
As time passes, the defects will appear as red spots or lines on a white background. The
speed of appearance, the shape and dimensions can give information about the nature of the
defects. If necessary, post-clean the controlled surface and protect against corrosion with
one of CRC’s corrosion protection products.

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